Mission: To get Parents to try one of Triad Math’s Programs for their Student(s). Always, No Risk Guarantee of Success or Money Back.
Here is a ten minute video to get you started quick and easy:
You can view a Video Synopsis at the bottom of this page!
To get started right away:
There are lot’s of things to consider to become a mature Affiliate, but let’s try to get things going for you quick and easy!
Here are some appropriate next steps depending upon your Prospect’s situation.
#1. If you have a Prospect that has a beginning student or a struggling student, then this may be what you want to do next:
- Send the Prospect to: https://triadmathinc.com/fractions-made-easy/ (with your affiliate ID at the end.)
- You Study this Webpage. It contains Your Sales Pitch.
- Plus, most importantly, ADD you own experience as a Parent of a successful Student.
- It is Your Credibility that will help a Prospect try our program.
#2. If you have a Prospect who has a successful student or a more advanced student, then this may be what you want to do next:
- Send the Prospect to: https://triadmathinc.com/practicalmath/ (with your affiliate ID at the end.)
- You should Study this Webpage and add your own experience with this too.
- Emphasize that the student will learn Practical Algebra, and Geometry and Trigonometry, all in about one semester.
- The student will also earn a full year math credit in just a semester, but it is self-paced and can take as long as the student needs.
- This will be good for parents who are skeptical of calculators and will show them the great value of Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator.
#3. If your Prospect is not ready to take an action and would like more information to fully understand how to deliver their student an optimal 21st Century Math Education, you can give them the free PDF copies of two books that will fully educate them, Golden Rule Math for All God’s Children and How & Why Public School Math is Destroying the USA.
- Send the Prospect to this link to get the Free PDF books: https://craighane.com/pdfs/
- Explain that Public School Math is what is being taught in virtually all Math Textbooks and Online Programs EXCEPT Triad Math’s Six Tier Program.
- Give them the Optimum Math Curriculum Evaluation Checklist with Features to compare to whatever other programs they are using.
#4. Contact any Parents you know even if their Students are in regular schools.
- Send them to: https://triadmathinc.com/practicalmath/ (with your affiliate ID at the end.)
- See Tyler Hansen’s Testimonial Video to learn how great this can be for their student.
#5. Contact various Organizations whose members have Parents with middle and high school students. Make a deal with the ORGs to spread the word. We can discuss how you might want to do this in various cases. Your favorite Churches might be a great place to start.
#6. Use Social Media in any way convenient for you. This could potentially be huge. You probably will have to work with us to build a special Webpage for you on www.triadmathinc.com/yourpage to drive them to unless you have your own website.
#7. Once a Parent buys a Program like the Fractions Program we will start the Upsell Process to educate them. Do You want to participate in this to educate them and generate appropriate future purchases? Clearly, it should improve the Upsell Process if you can do so.
#8. There might be ways we can get a new Customer to help us bring You new customers. Let’s discuss this if you want to participate in this. There may be various ways we can motivate a new Customer to help us without them becoming an Affiliate too. For example, giving them some kind of a reward for helping bring us new Prospects or Customers. We can experiment with this.
#9. New Ideas for you to succeed as time goes on.
For example, an Affiliate might be able to get us in with some other organization or do Podcasts or various types of PR.
You also might want to check out other Affiliate Resources.
Questions? Email: craig@hane.com Phone: 812-332-8179
If you are communicating with another Parent here is the first question I would ask:
1:06 – 1:23 in the video
“If you could find a Math Program that significantly helped your children learn Math Much Better than they are currently learning Math and it was very cost effective, would you be interested?”
If they don’t answer right away you could add…
“Your child might be struggling and not like math and this would overcome their struggles and the dislike of math,
Or… your child might be succeeding and this would help him or her be much more successful
Or… your child may be really good at math and like STEM, and you could give them a much more powerful 21st Century STEM Math Program…
would you be interested?”
If, the answer is No, then forget them. Don’t waste your time.
If the answer is Yes, then tell them to contact you via email and you will tell them about how this is possible.
Tell them YOUR story, or the story of some other TMI student you know.
Then, offer them to “educate” them on what You have learned.
Watch the whole video for various paths to take.